the Melting Pot of Success!!

RockView Entertainment Signs Major Distribution Deal with Sony/The Orchard/Family & Friends Ent.
RockView Entertainment Signs Major Distribution Deal with Sony/The Orchard/Family & Friends Ent.
I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, color and more by highliRockView Entertainment has been in business since March 2010 functioning as a rising entertainment structure throughout the New York City area. From managing talent, curating events, producing acts and just conducting overall great business RockView Ent. has made a great name for itself in the independent scene in NYC. After being approached a number of times with deal offers, there has been one that has caught the attention and interest of DeShaun Oakman (aka S-ROCK) who is the owner of RockView Entertainment. After going back and forth for some time a partnership was created between RockView Ent. and Family & Friends Ent. to have major distribution for RockView Entertainment via The Orchard/Sony (also distributes T-Pain, Seth Walker, TOBi & many more) . Now that the deal is done you can expect a lot from RockView Entertainment.ghting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.